Jul 20, 2016

Exchange of Experts between Germany – Czech Republic a success


From 27th to 29th of June 2016 the Czech Ministry of Forestry and Agriculture invited a delegation of German forest experts to different forest locations around the City of Pilsen. It was the return visit of Czech forest professionals visiting the Bavarian State Forest Enterprise in Ebrach, Germany.

The tool of ‘Exchange of Experts’
The main aim of the Exchange of Experts (EoE) was to stimulate interaction and exchange of knowledge experiences amongst Czech and German forest professionals. Field visits to different locations of the Czech State Forest introduced to forest management concepts applied in the region. Bilateral exchanges such as this one have been conducted numerous times in the course of Integrate+. They have shown to be powerful showcases and can serve as a model for future activities involving two or more countries.
Three Marteloscopes were established in the Czech Republic in the frame of the Czech-German Strategic Dialogue with the support of the Integrate+ project team. Two of them were visited and exercises conducted by a diverse group including representatives from State Forest Administrations, private forest owners and scientists from Germany and the Czech Republic.

The Marteloscopes
The Marteloscope ‘Královský hvozd’ is located in the Šumava mountain region and contains Norway spruce, Silver fir and European beech. Forest regeneration and options for maintaining current tree species composition are the main topic on this site. The Marteloscope ‘Čečiny’ is embedded in a forest demonstration area and situated near the city of Plasy. It is composed of Sessile oak and European larch. The overall aim of the demonstration area is to educate foresters on how to assess and learn about habitat structures, respectively on how to integrate them into timber production management.

Reflections and options for further collaboration
The participants received the event as very positive. They expressed that the EoE organised by Integrate+, the Czech Ministry of Agriculture and the National Research Institute (ÚHÚL) was extremely rewarding. Consequently, future activities were discussed and initiated. With the purpose to teach students, the University in Prague will establish an additional Marteloscope close to the Czech Capital. Tablet computers were acquired and I+ software installed for running Marteloscope training exercises. The concept of silvicultural trainers, as applied in Germany, raised high interest by the hosts. Participating silvicultural trainers from Germany were able to demonstrate the added value of such training programmes. Further it was stated that an investigation will take place on how the concept of the Bavarian State Forest Enterprise in Ebrach may be adapted and applied for particular forest districts in the Czech Republic.
Sika and red deer browsing has serious impacts on regeneration but also on tree species richness is one of the common – another cross-border challenge. Strategies were discussed on game management options resulting in the agreement to conduct further exchanges in the near future.

Strategic Dialogue Conference in Prag
In summary the group sees Marteloscopes as useful tools for discussing and performing exercises on a variety of topics. A next step within the Strategic Dialogue, the Czech Ministry of Forestry and Agriculture has invited to a high level Conference in Prague (5th to 6th of October 2016) which will conclude the Czech – German Strategic Dialogue. The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture confirmed that the Strategic Dialogue between the Czech Republic and Germany can serve as model for other European countries or even beyond.

Czech and German participants discussing their exercise results in the Marteloscope
of Čečiny in the frame of the Integrate+ ‘Exchange of Experts’ programme. (Photos:Frank Krumm)


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