Nov 10, 2015

Integrate+ film team filming in Ebrach


From 4-6 November Filmhaus Berlin Company visited our Integrate+ partner Ebrach State Forest Enterprise in the Steigerwald region.

Since beginning of October 2015 Filmhaus Berlin has been contracted to accompany the Integrate+ project, and in November the first shots were taken in Ebrach, Steigerwald, making use of the autumn colours.

Main aim during the filming week was to take interviews with local Integrate+ partners on site. On 4 November Ulrich Mergner provided his personal story of how he learned about the importance of certain forest structures and microhabitats for forest biodiversity and how he had implemented this knowledge since in his management. Additionally he talked about his connection to Integrate and the role of Ebrach as a pilot site for Integrate+. The interview was taken in the renown Waldhaus reserve where intensive research had triggered profound changes in the local forest management concept.

The importance of this strict reserve that is embedded in the surrounding managed forests as a learning site will be reflected in the Integrate+ film as it also serves as a reference for our demonstration sites. Many rare red-listed species that were only found in the reserve before can now be observed also in the managed forests, a measure of success for the deadwood and habitat tree concept the forest managers have derived from their observations in Waldhaus.

Some of the red-listed species could found during the filming and will be portrayed in the Integrate+ film.
In addition to the interviews and rare species, many microhabitats were filmed using modern equipment such as cranes and drones to access structures in the canopy or filming the interior of trunk cavities with roosting sites for the rare Bechstein bats.

In a second part, the Steinkreuz M-scope was portrayed as the Integrate+ pilot site. Daniel was interviewed and filmed during an M-scope exercise, selecting trees with the I+ software on a Panasonic Toughpad.

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