Oct 29, 2015

Balancing biodiversity and forest management


The Integrate+ project together with its partners from Belgium established a marteloscope demo-site in the Sonian Forest near Brussels.

The interaction between biodiversity, forest management and policies like Natura 2000 was discussed ‘on location’ on 13 October, when ThinkForest participants gathered in the Sonian Forest.

Patrick Huvenne and Dirk Raes from the Management of the Sonian Forest gave a short tour of part of the 4,500 ha forest, offering participants some practical insights into the challenges and trade-offs between managing the forest for recreation, biodiversity and production.

Daniel Kraus and Andreas Schuck from EFICENT presented the work of the Integrate+ project, and gave a hands-on demonstration of the Sonian Forest Marteloscope. They explained the marteloscope concept (a training site of 1 hectare of forest in which every tree is numbered, mapped and recorded) and showed how with evaluation and simulation software, you are able to carry out virtual tree selection exercises. These allow you to apply, compare and discuss different management goals – for example focusing on economic or biodiversity value – making the marteloscope a useful training and calibration tool...

Read the full article here

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