Oct 14, 2015

5th conference on close-to-nature forest management and forest conservation in Lübeck


14.-16. October 2015

For the 5th time the communal forest enterprise of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck organized a two-day event addressing close-to-nature forest management and forest conservation. During the event experts from Germany discussed on the role that forest science can play for communal forest owners, NGOs and society at large.

Incorporating recent knowledge and scientific findings is an integral part of Lübeck’s concept of close-to-nature forestry. Experiences derived from collecting and analyzing data from their forest stands is the centerpiece for providing the needed input for implementing its forest management concept. Those two components are the basis for sound planning and adaptive management.

Conference participants explored on how locally conducted research can best be realized to support close-to-nature forest management and forest conservation.
Hannes presented the Integrate+ project to the audience. I+ transfers knowledge from recent biodiversity research into the practice. With the I+ software silvicultural decision-making can be trained on the basis of transparent data.
Lübeck will be an important I+ network-partner as showcase for integrating biodiversity conservation into close-to-nature forest management.


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