Sep 8, 2015

Marteloscopes and their potential role in supporting silvicultural training


A main task of forest management is to decide when, where and which silvicultural measures should be implemented. In order to do this, practical experiences in applying silviculture treatments are of central importance. However applied measures can vary in their consequences for the forest of the future.
“To support decision making processes in the field, Marteloscopes (M-scopes) can be a useful training tool to simulate the results of various forest management measures” say Gabriele Wicht-Lückge (1) and Daniel Kraus (2). Especially with the accompanying mobile tablet software, results of virtual tree selection exercises can be displayed to participants directly at a M-scope demonstration site. “In this way more objective and fact based discussions can take place on the consequences of different management decisions now and in the future”, comments Daniel Kraus.
Three M-scope have been established in Baden-Württemberg; two in the City Forest Freiburg and one in the State Forest Enterprise Ettenheim. “Having such M-scopes available now motivates us to consider integrating them into our silvicultural training programme”, says Gabriele Wicht-Lückge.

The full article is printed in the ‘ForstBW Intern’ Newsletter (Issue 3/4 2015 p.8) in German language.

1 State Forest Administration of Baden-Württemberg (ForstBW), Germany
2 Project Leader Integrate+, EFI

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