Sep 24, 2015

Old trees and dead wood in beech forests and their value for biodiversity


On September 24th 2015 a conference took place in Tholey, Germany, entitled:  “Treasures of biological diversity – the importance of old trees and deadwood in beech forest habitats”. The event took place in the framework of the newly started project called “Valueable Forest in Saarland” run by the Nature-NGO NABU in cooperation with Saar State Enterprise and funded by Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.

The event addressed the topic of ‘species of responsibility’ that entered into the forest conservation discussion recently. Germany is a hot spot for beech forest types. Old and species rich beech forests are therefore in the focus of forest conservation in central Europe. Also, there is an increased awareness on the importance of old and dead trees in forest ecosystems as key elements of forest biodiversity. A following excursion gave insight how close-to-nature forest management intends to integrate biodiversity measures.  

For more information on the project “Valueable Forest in Saarland” please go for the German Website

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