Jul 2, 2015

Integrate+ takes part at the Pro Silva Luxembourg symposium and establishes cooperation


Andreas Schuck and Hannes Schmitt from the European Forest Institute (Regional Office EFICENT) attended the symposium of Pro Silva Luxembourg on “how much habitat trees do forests need?” in behalf of the Integrate+ team. It took place on 2nd of July, 2015 in the Müllerthal ‚Heringermillen‘ and was attended by more than 50 participants.

Jean-Jacques Erasmy, President of ProSilva Luxemburg, highlighted in his opening speech the importance of the integration of biodiversity aspects into forest management and the aim towards close-to-nature forest management. Dr. Jörg Müller (Deputy Head National Park Bavarian Forest) provided an impulse presentation on forest habitat structures and their importance for saproxylic beetles, fungi, birds and other species. Ulrich Mergner, Head of Forest Enterprise Ebrach, Bavaria, introduced the concept on integrating nature conservation into forest management in the Ebrach Forest Enterprise.

The presentations were concluded by Roland Wirtz (Forest Manager and Head of Nature Conservation, Saar State Enterprise) who introduced to the three pillar strategy of the Saar State Enterprise for integrating old trees and dead wood into managed forests. The discussion on the presentations took place during the 3 hour excursion through 100-150 year old beech stands and ravine forest in the Müllerthal.

During the excursion Andreas Schuck and Hannes Schmitt presented the concept of the Integrate+ project and the establishment of a network of one hectare demonstrations sites, so called marteloscopes. Further they introduced the accompanying tablet software for performing virtual tree selections exercises on site. The software allows instant outputs of stand information, ecological and economic values both before and after the virtual selection as well as future stand development for the site. A lively discussion emerged with good feedback from all participants. Ulrich Mergner provided additional input on the practical use of marteloscopes and the software and his positive experience in using them as a demonstration and training tools for forest practitioners and other user groups in Ebrach. One topic lively debated was whether the ecological value of trees and its indication in a monetary value could be provided by in addition to ecological points.

Strong interest was expressed by Pro Silva Luxembourg for establishing one or several demonstration sites jointly with EFICENT. Serge Reinhardt from Pro Silva and Forest Manager with the Luxembourg Administration for Nature and Forests stated that he will be happy to act as contact for proposing potential site locations and further actively participate in the set-up of marteloscope sites.



Photos: Andreas Schuck


For more information:
Pro Silva Luxembourg

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