Jul 1, 2015

Representatives from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) visit the Integrate+ demonstration site at the Bavarian Forest Enterprise Ebrach


On 24th of June 2015 an excursion took place at the Bavarian State Forest Enterprise in Ebrach. It had as aim to give insight to the integrative forest management concept applied in Ebrach and to present the progress of the INTEGRATE+ projecte supported by the BMEL.

A presentation was given by the manager of the State Forest Enterprise in Ebrach, Ulrich Mergner on how they address biodiversity conservation within managed forests. A combination of strictly protected areas, a network of stepping stone habitats, linear elements and crown cover areas derived from habitat trees and dead wood management are core elements of the concept. It was followed by visits to strict forest reserves and the Integrate+ demonstration site. The 1 ha large demonstration site for which all trees are measured and both ecological and economic values are assessed, allowed the BMEL and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) to test a first version of the mobile software application developed by the Integrate+ team. The application runs on a tablet and can be used for performing virtual tree selection exercises. It allows visualising both economic and ecological consequences of the selection.

Mr. Hauβmann from the BMEL, acknowledged that the demonstration sites are very useful as educational tools to better understand effects of management options including their effects into the future. The mobile application convinced the participants and gave good feedback for is further development.

In conclusion BMEL and GIZ thanked Ulrich Mergner and the Integrate+ team for the opportunity to visit Ebrach and see first results from the Integrate+ project. It was proposed to repeat such an excursion and inviting also representatives from other relevant ministries and administrations. This will allow to convey to different actors how such a tool can contribute towards more transparent and objective exchanges on the topic of biodiversity conservation in European forests.

Integrate+ demonstration sites are currently being established with local partners in numerous European counties.

Read here also the article published in the "Main Post"

Photo 1 & 2: Andreas Schuck; Photo 3: Daniel Kraus

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