Mar 26, 2014

Micro-habitat workshop in France


Our colleagues from Irstea kindly provided the opportunity to link Integrate+ with a workshop on micro-habitats (invited participants, mostly consisting of Integrate contributors and authors) that was held on 26 March in Nogent-sur-Vernisson at the Campus of Irstea.

Participants of the Integrate+ project kick-off meeting in Fontainebleau, France. (Photo: Frank Krumm)

The aim of this workshop was to join existing knowledge and create an exhaustive list of micro-habitats in forests. The group discussed different approaches to combine existing but incomplete lists to one reference list to be published in a peer reviewed article. The outcome of this workshop is very interesting for the Integrate+ project and could be used for a detailed description of micro-habitats and structures in the Marteloscope approach for the planned demo sites on integrative forest management.

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